





The old-fashioned way to sand hardwood floors is an extremely messy process. Not only the entire interior of your home is covered with dust, but it seems almost impossible to clean everything out for the next couple of months. It is also not very healthy to breath the residue in.

The newest technology offers sanding machines that have the powerful "vacuum cleaners" literally build-in into the sanders. They contain dust very effectively sparing you the messy clean-up and protecting your health. More efficient than traditional cloth bags they are based on HEPA (High-efficiency particulate arrestance) filtration technology.

Yes, the right equipment makes all the difference!


Dust free sanding machines have the ability to contain almost 99% of the wood dust - a very well known carcinogen. Limiting exposure to minimum is especially important for people with asthma and allergies. We also use materials and cleaning agents that we fully trust. The water-based finishes we apply dry 3-4 times faster than other products and can have most homeowners living in their home during the refinishing process.

To learn more about the brands that we trust and believe in visit: www.us.bona.com or www.americansanders.com